Entertain People at an Outdoor Party

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The hardest part of a party can be figuring out how to get it rolling. Making sure your guests are relaxed, happy, and entertained is essential for a memorable social event.

1. Pick a fun theme. For example, if you throw a "Summer Camp" theme, set up pup tents, a campfire, and a scary-story contest.
2. Plan activities and games. For example, if you have a pool, set up for pool volleyball or a diving contest. Tell your guests in advance, so they know what to bring and come "amped up" for the activity. Be sure to hand out fun, inexpensive prizes for the winners, like glow-in-the-dark Frisbees or goofy hats.
3. Play icebreaker games to make sure your guests get to know others at the party.
4. Provide music. You can run an extension cord outside to power a CD player or iPod, or set up your speakers on an open windowsill. Make sure the music is loud and upbeat enough to energize the party, but not so loud guests have to shout.
5. Set up a buffet. A "make your own salad", "make your own taco" or "top your own sundae" are good variations, plus make life easier for you in terms of food prep. If you have a campfire or grill, set up a station for making s'mores.
6. Create "hangout" spots so people can sit to eat and chat. Make circles of chairs, arrange driftwood logs, or hang hammocks.
7. Set up a dancing area where people can move to the music.


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